Holiday Season Quotes - Christmas Quotes

The Holidys season comes once in a year and why not cherish this seaoson with best quotes. Herein I am posting best love, romantic, funny and motivational quotes for christmas, new year and holiday season.

  1. At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year.
  2. Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.
  3. Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
  4. Marry an orphan: you'll never have to spend boring holidays with the in-laws.
  5. I have had a holiday, and I'd like to take it up professionally.
  6. There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.
  7. Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.
  8. I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up : they have no holidays
  9. Vacation: Two weeks on the sunny sands - and the rest of the year on the financial rocks.
  10. "The most important part about Christmas is the first six letters."
  11. Christmas is the season when you buy this year's gifts with next year's money.

Wish you happy holidas season with unforgetable christmas and new year.