Unseen Photos Of Mahatma Gandhi

Rare picture of Gandhiji at Shimla.

Unseen Picture: Mahatma Gandhi being carried during
his visit to riot affected areas of Bihar in 1947.

Rare Photo: Mahatma Gandhi with his secretary
Miss Sonia Schlesin and friend Doctor
Herman Kallenbach in 1913.

Gandhiji with his wife Kasturba Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi wife Kasturba Gandhi with her sons
Harilal Gandhi, Manilal Gandhi, Ramdas Gandhi
& Devdas Gandhi

From left to right: Hermann Kallenbach and Mahatma Gandhi
They lived together in tents near Mountain View.
Photo taken in 1909.

Gandhiji and his wife Kasturba Gandhi at a reception given
by Rabindranath Tagore at Shantiniketan on 20th February, 1940

Rare Picture: Gandhiji on his birthday in 1944 at Pune.

Rare Photo: Mahatma Gandhi visiting Abbottabad,
now which is in Pakistan.

Mahatma Gandhi at a sweepers colony in New Delhi in 1946.

Unseen Photo: Gandhiji  rides a boat in Jabalpur in 1941.